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Easy Ways to Measure a Cup Without a Measuring Cup

Last Updated on February 19, 2022 by

Properly measuring your ingredients when baking is vital for the best results. Knowing how to measure a cup without a measuring cup can be handy when you are baking. Whether you don't have measuring cups on hand or want a more accurate way to measure, there are alternatives to traditional measuring cups.

Though measuring cups can be a great option for measuring out your ingredients, there are other alternatives as well. The most important factor is not what you use to measure out your ingredients, but that you do so accurately. Improperly measuring your ingredients can lead to all sorts of problems in your baked goods.

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How To Measure A Cup Without A Measuring Cup

When baking, measuring out your ingredients is one of the most important steps. You want to make sure your ingredients are properly measured out so your baked goods can have the right taste and texture. Though measuring cups are the most common tool to use for measuring ingredients, they are not the only ones that you can use.

When measuring out ingredients, different measuring cups are generally used for liquid versus dry ingredients. This makes measuring easier and allows you to get a more accurate measurement.

Generally, dry and liquid measuring cups are not used interchangeably. Liquid measuring cups go oftentimes go up to one cup and have marks in ounces, along with 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3 cups. This allows you to measure different amounts of liquid in one cup and then you can easily pour your wet ingredients as you prepare your recipe.

Dry measuring cups are meant to be filled up to only the exact amount you need. After using the spoon to fill the measuring cup, you should level off the top with a flat edge. This will help ensure you have the right amount of dry ingredients, such as flour.

Though measuring cups are the most common way to measure your ingredients, they aren't the only things you can use. There are other tools you can use to measure out your ingredients that work as a great alternative to traditional measuring cups.

Kitchen scale

Kitchen scales are a great way to measure out your ingredients. In fact, measuring your dry ingredients with a kitchen scale allows you to do so more accurately. People can easily overmeasure flour with a traditional measuring cup by over 25% more than what the recipe actually calls for.

By using a scale, you can measure your ingredients out to the exact amount. You can measure in grams, ounces, and milliliters. Many recipes will have the measurement of ingredients also in grams so you can measure out your ingredients without using measuring cups.

Mason jar

A traditional mason jar has holds sixteen ounces in it. When measuring out liquids, such as water, milk, oil, and buttermilk, you can easily use ounces instead of cups to measure.

One cup is the equivalent to eight ounces, so you can fill your mason jar up halfway full for one cup or completely full for two cups. This method is ideal for measuring out your liquid ingredients.

Measuring spoons

If you don't have measuring cups, but do have measuring spoons, you can use those to measure out one cup. Though it can be a bit tedious, it will still get the job done and allow you properly measure out your ingredients.

One cup is the same as 16 tablespoons or also the same as 48 teaspoons. Though it may take a little while to measure out your ingredients with measuring spoons, it will work just as well. When using measuring spoons to measure dry ingredients, level off the top before adding it to your recipe.

Juice glass

If you have a four-ounce juice, you can use it to measure out your liquid ingredients. Fill it up twice to equal one cup. Though it is more ideal for measuring liquid ingredients, you can also use it to measure dry ingredients if need be.

What Can Happen If You Don't Properly Measure

If you don't measure your ingredients properly, you can mess up the texture and consistency of your baked good. In some cases, it can even affect the flavor too.

One of the most common ingredients that people measure wrong is flour. Though it is easier to simply use the measuring cup to scoop the flour, this can result in too much flour. Too much flour in your recipe can make your baked goods dry, rubbery, or dense, making the texture unpleasant.

If using a measuring cup to measure flour, use a spoon to scoop the flour into the cup. Then, use a flat edge to level off the top to make sure you don't get too much flour, and be sure not to pack it down.

How do you measure a cup by hand

Properly Measuring Your Ingredients

It is important to make sure that you properly measure out all your ingredients when baking. If you don't have measuring cups on hand, you can use a mason jar, juice glass, kitchen scale, or measuring spoons.

Do you have any questions regarding how to measure a cup without a measuring cup? If so, please ask any questions regarding measuring in the comment section below.

Read more about What Is A Scant Cup? With The Best Measuring Guide


How Do you Measure a Cup by Hand?

If need be, you can measure a cup with your hand. One cup is equivalent to about one fist, so you can use your fist to measure. However, since everyone's hands are different sizes, it is not always accurate

Can I Use a Glass to Measure a Cup?

You can use an eight-ounce glass to measure a cup, as one cup is equal to eight liquid ounces. If you don't have an eight-ounce glass, you can use to four-ounce juice glass or measure half a 16-ounce mason jar.

What Can I Use If I Don't Have 1 Cup?

If you don't have one cup, you can use 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoons. If you know how many ounces, grams or milliliters the cup of the ingredient is equivalent to, you can use a kitchen scale.

How to Measure Ounces Without a Measuring Cup?

The most accurate way to measure ounces is with a kitchen scale. Not only is it easy, but it is the best way to measure out ounces.

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